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My research thus focuses on philosophy of cognitive science (including AI) & mind, emotion theory, and aesthetics.​ 


I have done research on implicit bias (such as implicit prejudices and stereotypes), emotions, moral psychology, aesthetic experiences, and various interactions between these topics.


In current and future research, I focus on emotional A.I.




Goffin, K. (“accepted and under contract with the press”) Biased Fear. In A. Harbin (ed.) The Moral Psychology of Fear. Lexington: Rowman and Littlefield.


Goffin, K., & Moors, A. (2023). Implicit bias, belief, and fiction. In A. James, F. Lavocat, & A. Kubo (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Belief and Fiction. Routledge.


Goffin, K. (2023) Belgian Solutions. British Journal of Aesthetics, ayad009.

Goffin, K., & Viera, G. (2023) Emotions In Time: The Temporal Unity of Emotion Phenomenology. Mind & Language, 1-16.    


Goffin, K. (2023) Better Scared Then Sorry: The Pragmatic Account of Emotional Representation. Erkenntnis88 (6), 2633-2650.


Goffin, K. & Friend, S. (2022) Learning Implicit Biases from Fiction. Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 80 (2), 129-139. 


Goffin, K. (2022c) Feeling is Believing: Recalcitrant Emotion & Spinozan Belief Formation. Synthese 200(6), 520. 


Goffin, K. (2022b) The Linguistic Fallacy & The Complex Content of Emotion. Philosophical Psychology. (published online)


Goffin, K. (2022aBiased Emotions: Implicit Bias, Emotion & Attributability. Review of Philosophy and Psychology. (published online) 


Goffin, K. (2021) 100 x Congo. A Century of Congolese Art in Antwerp: Exhibition Review. British Journal of Aesthetics, 61 (3), 387-389.


Goffin, K. (2019b) An empirical investigation of guilty pleasuresPhilosophical Psychology, 32 (7), 1129-1155. (with Cova, F.)


Goffin, K. (2019a) The affective experience of aesthetic properties. Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, 100, 283–300.


Goffin, K. (2018) Philosophical aesthetics and cognitive science. WIREs Cognitive Science,  (1), (with Meskin, A., Robson, J., Ichino, A., and Monseré, A.).


Goffin,K. (2014) Music feels like moods feel. Frontiers in Psychology 5, 327.


Goffin, K. (2012) The poems are finding words for us, in Geert Grote Alliantie(ed.) Nederlandstalige master scripties van vijf jonge filosofen, Deventer: Deventer University Press, 67–129.


Some Papers In Progress



- An experimental study on moral attitudes and emotions towards implicit bias. (With Emma Moormann). (Email me for draft!).


- A few papers on bias in emotion recognition software.









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